Imagine a day when...
Alzheimer’s disease is a preventable condition.
A drug can be administered to repair a brain injury.
Brain stimulation speeds recovery after a stroke.
Depression can be halted in its earliest stages with patient-specific therapies.
The Peter O’Donnell Jr. Brain Institute recognizes that in order to solve the most challenging brain diseases, our work must be multidisciplinary. To achieve this, we integrate and leverage the strengths of multiple independent departments, centers, and divisions at UT Southwestern Medical Center. By bringing together clinical and basic researchers in a comprehensive Institute, we are fostering collaborations and providing resources that set the stage for progress and discovery as we work toward our vision of a future without brain disease.
Latest News
Apply Now
Applications are open for the O'Donnell Brain Institute's Clinical Neuroscience Scholar Program, an integral part of developing the next generation of clinical leaders in all areas of brain disease.
OBI Physician-Scientist Trainee Symposium
The UT Southwestern community is invited to the OBI Physician-Scientist Trainee Symposium on Feb. 21, 2025, where M.D./Ph.D. students from around the country will deliver invited talks on their research.
Field Reports from OBI
The inaugural O'Donnell Brain Institute Field Reports highlight stories that are changing how scientists and physicians understand and treat brain diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinsons.
Director’s Message
Solving brain disease is going to take everyone working together – the person studying molecules in the lab, the clinician understanding a patient’s symptoms, the staff caring for the patient, and everyone in between. We’re committed to that collaborative journey and confident of the outcome.”
Removing Barriers Between
Discovery and Care
At the O’Donnell Brain Institute, researchers and clinicians work closely together, by design. Combining basic and translational research with advanced clinical care produces scientific breakthroughs that can move from the labs to patients in the clinic faster than ever.
Expertise and Innovation
The O’Donnell Brain Institute has assembled brain scientists, neurosurgeons, neurologists, psychiatrists, radiologists, and specialists in rehabilitative medicine.
Their common goal: Discover and implement new and better ways to treat major forms of brain and spine diseases, and perhaps even prevent them in the future.